Saturday, October 17, 2009

Live Trapping Gophers

Live Trapping Gophers

Sometimes trapping a gopher live is a preferred method. If you are a researcher, a non violent gardener or if you just want to catch and release, I have a trap and technique that works well. One thing about releasing gophers in other locations though, it can cause new problems in an environment or in the case of suburban release may even cause a major feud So if you are relocating a gopher be sure it is in an appropriate place.

There are a couple of other things to consider when handling a live gopher. First, gophers use their teeth like another hand and they will use them to grab on to things, including fingers. The way to handle a wild gopher is to transfer the animal in a way that doesn't require direct handling. You can also pick a gopher up like a kitten, by the scruff of the neck, some pick them up by the tail. I have heard of people actually taming a gopher and keeping it like a hamster or guinea pig and if you think about it they are similar. Lastly, gophers can not tolerate being in the trap for any length of time so the trap must be monitored carefully. The technique I will describe takes very little time and you should be able to catch a gopher in a half hour or so.

The Gophers Limited Live Gopher Trap

The trap is a box trap that has a bottom mesh, one mesh end and a door that swings from the inside top down to the closed position. The trap is triggered when the gopher tries to close up the end from the light. Gophers will always plug up a burrow after they are done cleaning out and extending their burrow. This "plug" is usually very obvious in the center of the crescent shaped mound. Once opened, if the burrow is fresh, the gopher will close it. It is kind of like your front door. If you found it opened unexpectedly, you would wonder what happened and close it. The gopher is the same way and "closes" it by packing it full of soil. In this case it has to travel to the end of the box trap to do so. When it gets to the end it pushes on the mesh trigger and the rear door swings shut. When the gopher tries to get back out it closes the door more tightly.

Find the burrow plug - it is the circular area in the mound

Enlarge the opening so the trap is snug and not letting in light except at the end

Check the trap often and do not leave set for long periods of time

The key to making this all happen quickly is to trap as soon after dawn as possible. That is when gophers are most active and often you will find burrow entrances already open and with very little effort the trap can be placed. Trapping in this period is not only the most productive time but also the time when the gophers ability to survive the trapping is greatest.

Good Luck and happy trapping. You can buy this trap at my web store or you can try to construct one yourself with the diagram below. The trap I sell is a very sturdy and well made trap and should last for generations. Available at

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ground Squirrel Control Without Poison

Ground Squirrel Control Without Poison

I have spent a lot of time working with the California Ground Squirrel. This animal can be a great nuisance in any situation where the squirrels and people try to co-exist. There are some problems with digging under structures, digging large burrows that stock animals and children can trip in. But the major problem is the fact that they are community animals and therefore are vectors for diseases. Two in particular rabies and Bubonic Plague (there was a case of plague last year in Monterey County). This is mostly due to fleas. Animals that share burrows almost always have fleas. When it comes to school grounds and public areas the squirrels cannot be tolerated. In agriculture I have seen ground squirrels steal corn crops, nuts and damage many other crops. If you have them, you will need to eventually find a way to control populations or eliminate them as much as possible and keep breeding populations extremely low.

I have tried many traps, lethal and live and finally found a trap that works well enough to really help solve the problem without spending a lot of time at the job. This technique can be very useful for public areas and schools because the trap is used for a very short time after a period of pre baiting.

Instructions for the Black Fox repeating Ground Squirrel Trap

This trap is great for Ground Squirrels and Prairie Dogs. The action that is different from other live traps is that the Black Fox trap takes advantage of the social nature of these rodent species. Ground squirrels and Prairie dogs are always curious about new things in the environment and will avoid them until they are comfortable. These animals work as a social group. You will see one or two always watching and warning the colony of impending danger. They are always aware of what the other animals in the colony are doing. Because of this behavior the area where trapping is to be done needs to be pre baited and the trap needs to be locked closed during this period and present near the pre baiting area. I advise trappers to put bait out for 5-7 days and see when the animals are readily feeding and eating all the bait every day. You want to create a feeding frenzy, not adding too much food but enough so that you draw a crowd. The object is to catch most or the entire colony in one trapping session. On the seventh morning, if the animals are feeding readily, place the trap right on the bait pile and put some bait inside as well as scatter a small amount by the door openings. Try to be sure the trap is flat on the ground and if possible settle the trap so some soil covers the bottom wire of the trap. Open the two door covers and you are set. Try to get back to the trap by noon or so and you should have a good catch by then. If you don’t check on the trap in a few hours the animals will probably not survive in the trap. When you have a catch then you need to do something to the animals. Some farmers and ranchers drown them and others use a euthanization chamber . You can make this out of plywood or use any plastic container the trap will fit in. Here is a photo of one that works well. CO2 is the preferred gas but sometimes in the field auto exhaust is an OK substitute. kill boxThis box has one side that opens to slide the trap in and hole the size of a shop vac hose to connect to exhaust pipe. 5-7 minutes are usually enough, adding a Plexiglas window would be helpful.
Baits: red oats, bird food, dog food, chicken, french fries, apples, cabbage and greens, corn – you may have to experiment to find the right bait.